Enrolment: KCPE results 2018 have been released! A total of 1,052, 364 sat exams in 2018 as compared to 2017’s 993, 718 candidates. Of these, 527, 294 were boys and 525, 070 were girls.
Performance: A total of 228,414 candidates scored 301-400 marks while 12,273 candidates scored 400 marks and above. Two candidates emerged top having scored 453 marks out of 500. Among those who sat the exam, only four candidates whose results were cancelled. Girls performed better than boys in languages while boys performed better in sciences.
Checking Results: To get your KCPE results using your mobile phone, send index number through sms to code 20076. It will cost to Ksh. 25/= per SMS.
The results are also available online on the KNEC portal. To get your result slip, you need to sign in via KNEC Portal.