KNEC has simplified matters by going electronic/ mobile. KCPE candidates can now check their KCPE results through their Mobile Phones using SMS or other means.
Accessing KCPE Results:
a) Accessing KCPE using Mobile phone: Send your Index Number to 5052
b) Visit your school or your examination centers (schools)
c) Visit KNEC website: after the release of the results.
- In the past, KNEC website has crashed due to the high number of hits or traffic,
- Sometimes the SMS service does not work despite being a premium service where one is charged Ksh. 10 to get a notification.
KCPE Results in Kenya means a lot to the candidates. Successfully sitting for the KCPE examination is an academic milestone, not only for the candidates, but for any nation that holds dear the ideals of education and assessment. The results depict culmination of years of toil and labour. While some argue about doing away with this mode of evaluation (summative) for lack of inclusiveness, others deem it essential. In any case, the end goal of sound assessment should be placement. Let each be rightly placed.