Schools Net Kenya provides e-learning resources to schools in Kenya and the region. We also run an e-learning platform to promote e-learning to learners at Primary and Secondary Levels.

An Overview of Schools Net Kenya E-learning Platform

Elearning-Schools Net Kenya (EL-SNK) is a Moodle-based Learning Management System (LMS) developed by Schools Net Kenya. The platform is developed with the aim of providing e-learning environment in order to meet the growing demand for online digital education solutions in an ever-evolving world.  Teachers and students at Primary and Secondary levels can NOW learn online using the platform.

Elearning Resources Categories

Click any of the following LINKS to download Elearning Resources. Kindly note that All Revision Question Papers are FREE. Only a few e-learning resources come at a small FEE to meet our service administration costs.

For further inquiry, do not hesitate to contact SNK/SSR Support Team via our official email – infosnkenya@gmail.com OR call 0202319748. Thank you for seeking our services