The new Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) Scheme of Work is structured according to the following categories: Week, Lesson, Strands, Sub-Strands, Specific Learning Outcomes, Key Inquiry Questions, Learning Experiences, Learning Resources, Assessment and Reflection. The following Table is a sample template for the CBC scheme of work currently being used in Kenya under the new 2-6-3-3-3 System of Education.
Wk | Lesson | Strands | Sub- Strands |
Specific Learning Outco- mes |
Inquiry Ques- tions |
Learning Experi- ences |
L. Resour- ces |
Asse- ssment |
Refle- ction |
Competency Based Curriculum Schemes of Work are NOW available online for PP1, PP2, Grade 1, Grade 2 and Grade 3. To get a soft copy of the CBC Schemes of Work, kindly click ORDER. We charge KES 100/- per subject / term to meet our web administration costs. Thank you for being associated with Schools Net Kenya.