Primary Science Notes are extracted from “Primary Science Series: Revision Guide for Standards 6,7, and 8″ written by Anthony M. Wanjohi and John M. Mbuthia. The notes are organized based standards 6,7 and 8 syllabus and grouped into the following 12 units:
1.2 Changes during Adolescence
1.5 Types of Blood Vessels and their Functions
1.6 The Structure and Functions of the Heart
1.7 Fertilization, Development of Foetus and Birth Process
1.8 Excretory Organs and Waste Products
2.1 Communicable Diseases and Immunizable Diseases
2.2.2 Myths and Misconception about HIV and AIDs
2.2.3 Effects of HIV/AIDS infection
2.2.4 Care and Support of People Infected with HIV/ AIDS
2.2.5 Control Measures for HIV/AIDS
2.3 Sexually Transmitted Infections
3.1 The Meaning and Major Components of Environment
3.2 The Meaning and Effects of Soil Pollution
3.3 Methods of Soil Conservation
3.4.1 Major causes of air of Pollution
3.4.2 Effects of Air Pollution on Living Things
3.4.3 Ways of Controlling Air Pollution
4.1 Parts of a Flower Notes on functions of the parts
4.2 Description of pollination and fertilization
4.4 Interdependence between Animals to plants and plants to plants
4.5 Crop Pests effects, Types and control measures
UNIT 6: ANIMALS6.1 Animal Feeds and Methods of Grazing
6.2 Parasites, Effects and Control Measures
6.3 Adaptations of Animals and Birds
6.4 Signs and effects of ill health in Livestock
7.1 Causes, Symptoms and Preventive Measures of Waterborne Diseases
7.2 Water pollution, its effects and control measures
7.3 Water Conservation and its Importance
8.2 Meaning of Fertilizers and Types
8.3 Meaning of Manures and Different Types
8.4 Advantages and Disadvantages of using Manures and Fertilizers
9.1 Traditional and Modern Methods of Preserving Food
9.2 Causes and Prevention of Food Poisoning
10.3 Meaning and Types of Energy
10.5 Methods of Conserving Energy and the Need to Conserve
11.1 Components of Air and uses
11.4 Magnetic and Non-magnetic materials
12.1 Ways of Moving and Stopping Objects
12.2 Force, Friction and advantages and disadvantage
12.3 Use of Levers, inclined plane and simple fixed pulleys
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