Book Description:
Primary Maths Series is a revision guide for standards 7 and 8. The book is developed to assist both the teachers and the pupils to embrace the basic principles of primary mathematics and to provide a quick revision. It systematically presents worked out examples and practice tests in respective units based on standards 7 and 8 syllabus. The guide is organized with a logical flow, starting from the objectives, followed by worked out examples and practice tests. In total, there are 10 units which are covered to meet the needs of standards 7 and 8. These include Algebra, Geometry, Measurements, Money, Numbers, Ratio and Proportion, Scale Drawing, Tables and Graphs, Time Speed and Temperature, Volume Capacity and Mass. Teachers and pupils in standards 7 and 8 will definitely find meaning in making this guide their mathematics revision companion.
Authors: Elijah M. Michieka and Paul Otinga
Publisher: KENPRO Publications
Year: 2014
Click any of the the following links to DOWNLOAD the UNIT of your choice >>
- algebra-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- geometric-shapes-in-mathematics-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- geometry-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- mathematics-formulae-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- measurements-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- money-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- numbers-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- ratio-and-proportion-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- scale-drawing-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- tables-and-graphs-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- time-speed-and-temperature-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
- volume-capacity-and-mass-mathematics-test-for-standards-7-and-8.pdf
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