Life Skills Training Notes for Schools

Life skills are abilities for adaptive and positive behaviour that enable humans to deal effectively with the demands and challenges of life. Skills that function for well-being and aid individuals to develop into active and productive members of their communities are considered as life skills. To cope with ever rising demands and stressful situations of our life, there is a need to expose learners to life skills training. For the purpose of helping learners both in upper primary and secondary schools, various modules of life skills have been prepared by experts in the field of Guidance and Counselling. The following is a list of Life Skills Training Notes for Schools in PDF format.

  1. Assertive communication training notes,
  2. Career choice training notes,
  3. Communication skills training notes,
  4. Conflict resolution training notes,
  5. Coping with anxiety training notes,
  6. Coping with emotions training notes,
  7. Critical  thinking skills training notes,
  8. Dealing with bullying training notes,
  9. Decision making training notes,
  10. Effective leadership training,
  11. Empathy training notes,
  12. Evening study skills training notes,
  13. Interpesonal skills training notes,
  14. Leadership skills training notes,
  15. Mentorship for prefects training notes,
  16. Peer mediation skills training notes,
  17. Relationships training notes,
  18. Resisting peer pressure training,
  19. Self awareness training notes,
  20. Social skills training notes,
  21. Student leadership notes,
  22. Study skills training notes,
  23. Team building training notes

You may place an ORDER of any of the Life Skills Training Notes in PDF format for your use. Each training manual will cost you KES 100/.

We at Schools Net Kenya also do provide Personal and Group Training in Life Skills for students in Schools or at Home. School Administrators, Parents and Guardians are free to contact us to book our Life Skills Training Package.

For more information, kindly call 0202319748 or  send an email to Thank you for being associated with us!