Kenya Primary Education Syllabus is available in two volumes, namely volume 1 and 2. Volume 1 contains English, Kiswahili, Mother Tongue, Physical Education and Creative Arts. Volume 2 on the other hand contains Mathematics, Science, Social Studies, Christian Religious Education, Islamic Religious Education and Hindu Religious Education. In each subject both the general and the specific objectives have been clarified and the content spelt out specifically to give guidance to the users.
The issue of overload in the primary curriculum has been addressed by a reduction in the
number of subjects and content in the different subject areas. The reorganization of the
syllabuses has been done in such a way that mastery of the knowledge, skills and attitudes
required at the end of the primary cycle is ensured.
The reduction of subjects and content is intended to ensure that the cost of education on both
the Government and households is significantly reduced. In each subject area, the resources
required for the implementation of the curriculum have been suggested. These resources can
either be improvised or obtained from the local environment. Some teaching /learning
experiences and assessment methods have also been suggested.
In order to be in line with the changing needs of society, the new primary school curriculum
has incorporated vital emerging issues. These include, industrial transformation of the
country, environmental education, health issues like drug abuse and HIV/AIDS pandemic,
gender issues, human rights, child’s rights, moral values and social responsibility.
The rationalization of the primary curriculum has resulted in some new learning areas. Music,
Art and Craft have been integrated into one study area called Creative Arts. This has in
cooperated aspects of Drama, Home Science, Agriculture and Science have been integrated
into the study area called Science – which also include aspects of technology and
environmental education.
Geography History and Civics (GHC) – a combined course will now be taught as Social
Studies. This includes environmental education, civic education and aspects of Business
The English syllabus has now adopted a thematic approach to teach the various language
skills. The themes are derived from things and situations that learners are likely to interact
with every day life.
By NAOMY W. WANGAI, Director of Education
To inquire about the syllabus, kindly contact us