KCSE 2012: CRE Paper 2 Questions and Answers


1. a) Outline Micah’s prophecies about the Messiah (Micah 5: 1-5).               (7 marks)

b) With reference to Luke 1:13 -17, outline the message of angel Gabriel about John

to Zechariah. (7 marks)

c) Give three lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was dedicated. (6 marks)


2. a) Describe the incident when Jesus was baptised in river Jordan by John the Baptist (Luke 3: 21-22).  (5 marks)

b) Outline seven reasons why Christians undergo baptism. (7 marks)

c) Explain the importance of transfiguration of Jesus to Christians today. (8 marks)


3. a) Describe the incident of the healing of the ten lepers. (7 marks)

b) Explain the teaching of Jesus on the power of faith (Luke 17: 1- 37). (8 marks)

c) What lessons do Christians learn from the parable of the ten pounds?

(Luke 19:11-27)  (5 marks)


4. a) Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the body of Christ. (8 marks)

b) State six reasons why the use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit brought disunity in   the   church at Corinth. (6 marks)

c) In what ways do the Christians in Kenya demonstrate the New Testament teaching

on unity?  (6 marks)


5. a) Identify five sources of Christian ethics. (5 marks)

b) Give seven reasons why Christians in Kenya condemn homosexuality. (7 marks)

c) Explain how responsible parenthood is demonstrated by Christians in Kenya today.    (8 marks)


6. a) Outline the traditional African concept of wealth. (6 marks)

b) Give eight reasons why corruption is widespread in Kenya today. (8 marks)

c) Explain six ways the church is using to eradicate poverty in Kenya today. (6 marks)



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