This training program counsels the Youth especially the pre-teens (in primary schools) and teens (in secondary schools). It is a bid to enable youth live their lives according to God’s word and sound biblical principles that will enable them have balanced lives – BALANCED spiritually, mentally, physically and to become well rounded teens who will finally mature into well rounded adults who will make a positive contribution to themselves, their families, other lives and their community. This training program is the product of discussions with youths all over the world and provides answers based on God’s word. Unfortunately today’s youth are bombarded by peer pressure, negative media influences and barraged with conflicting answers to questions they ask for example from the mass media they see advertisements glorifying beer, cigarettes ,drugs etc. They battle with questions such as “should I give sex , drugs, alcohol a try?” “What about sex before marriage? “How can I avoid contracting AIDs” etc, Who am I” “, Does anyone care about me?” What does the future hold for me?”.Today in Kenya 120 schools have been burnt down and we need to teach youth how to embrace dialogue and learn how to settle disputes in an amicable manner through counselling.
The basic objectives of the course are:
- To enhance an appreciation of who we are and how to lead a Godly successful and balanced life
- To encourage students self-development ,self knowledge, self esteem and growth as balanced individuals ,balanced physically, intellectually, spiritually and in all manner
- To provide an opportunity for wise and guided counsel, a group of trained counsellors will provide group and private counselling sessions and give guided answers to Life Questions to the students
- To motivate the young people work hard and acquire positive values and the right attitudes
- To promote the development of the new visions through the interaction with peers
Target Group
- Pre-teens (class 6-8) and
- Teens / High School Students 13-19 Years
Course Content
- Who am I?
- Building self –esteem
- You can do it! motivating the teen
- Sex education –about adolescent body changes, male female sexuality
- Peer pressure and handling it
- HIV/aids awareness
- Drug abuse
- Alcoholism
- Abstinence & repercussions of engaging in sex too early
- How to excel academically
- Study techniques/ exam techniques
- Passing with flying colors without cheating!
Some Life Questions that will be addressed by trained counselors
- How to counter negative peer pressure in the midst of raging fires
- Why should I listen to my teachers and authority
- Why should I honour my father and mother? (many youth wear themselves out
- resisting parental instructions only to find out later that their parents were right all along !)
- Why don’t my parents understand me?
- How to deal with other family members
- Why did Dad and Mom slit up?
- Should I leave home?
- I want more freedom, how can I get it from my parents?
- How can I make real friends?
- Clothes to wear?
- Why do I feel depressed, anxious
- Why should I get a good high school education?
- How can I get along better with my parents, teachers?
- How can I improve my grades?
Training Methodology
Highly participatory. Question and answer sessions with trained counsellors,
First group questions to trained counsellors and then private questions to counsellors on a one-to-one basis / personalized counselling . The program also include:
- Presentation /talks from National Aids & STD Control program on HIV prevention.
- games & sporting activities that build healthy social skills
- peer educators an invited group “Worth the wait Youngstars” who will draw attention to our theme by song, dance and drama.
- Movies will also be shown to emphasize our theme
AMREF Training Centre – Lang’ata – Nairobi, Kenya
Your Investment: KES 2,500-5,000 per child for the whole training program (2 days). This covers professional and counselling fees and lunches
Lead Trainer and Program Convener
Prof. L. Njeri-Mugwere (D.B.A; M.B.A.,B.Ed)
Contact Details
- To BOOK your Place: CONTACT US
- For more inquiries, CALL 0722 742578 (Prof. Mugwere)