Grade 4 and Class 8 Learning Assessment Under Covid-19 Learning Continuity


Kenya National Examination Council (KNEC) hasĀ  released guidelines to conduct assessment for Grade 4 and Class 8 expected to inform possible learning loss during the Covid-19 pandemic.


The assessment tools can be downloaded from the KNEC Website and make them ready a day before the start of the tests (19th to 23th, October, 2020).

The assessment tools include timetables, advance instructions, scoring guides and learners’ questioners. These tools should be stored in the head teacher’s office in a lockable cabinet. Headteachers are directed to ensure that the stored assessment tools are only retrieved and issued to the teachers administering the tests based on the timetable.

All Grade 4 pupils will be assessed in English, Kiswahili and Math. Environmental activities and Science and Technology will also be assessed. All KCPE subjects will be assessed for Class 8 pupils.

The week-long assessments will be administered at school level as per the guidelines and assessment schedules provided by KNEC and regulations upon which administration of assessments/ tests is anchored.

KNEC directs the directors to facilitate printing of hard copies of assessment material and keying in of scores for identified public schools that lack access to Internet connectivity.

For information on the KNEC Learner Assessment Guidelines, kindly visit KNEC Website

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