The following is a list of the available Form 1 Revision Papers for Term 1, 2018. The question papers are available for DOWNLOAD for FREE of charge. Marking Schemes are also available but at a small fee of Ksh. 50/ per paper. Kindly place your ORDER ONLINE.
- agriculture-paper-form-1-term-1-2018.pdf
- biology-paper-form-1-term-1-2018.pdf
- business-studies-paper-form-1-term-1-2018.pdf
- chemistry-paper-form-1-term-1-2018.pdf
- cre-paper-form-1-term-1-2018.pdf
- english-paper-form-1-term-1-2018.pdf
- geography-paper-form-1-term-1-2018-snk.pdf
- history-paper-form-1-term-1-2018-snk.pdf
- homescience-paper-form-1-term-1-2018-snk.pdf
- kiswahili-paper-form-1-term-1-2018.pdf
- mathematics-paper-form-1-term-1-2018-snk.pdf
- physics-paper-form-1-term-1-2018-snk.pdf
Marking Schemes:
Click to ORDER ONLINE the MARKING SCHEME right at the comfort of your computer or Smart Phone!! The marking schemes will be sent to your email address. We charge Ksh. 50/ per marking scheme per subject.