Education Policy Framework of Kenya

Education is seen as the primary means of economic and social mobility, national cohesion and social and economic development. At various times in its history the government has mandated the Education Sector to address major changes to ensure that through the provision of education the country‟s social and economic goals are realised. Since the last major set of reforms in 1981 the world and Kenya has experienced the impact of globalisation, increasing inter-dependence between and within states and the need for people to become responsible citizens both nationally and internationally. Trade and communications have been revolutionised, whilst human capital requirements, especially as a result of the ICT revolution, have changed out of all recognition.

The passing into law of a new constitution in Kenya in 2010, which has the Bill Rights at its core, the framing of a blueprint for national development, Kenya Vision 2030, and Government’s acknowledgement of the need to reform the education sector to create an education sector fit for purpose, had led to the policy changes embodied in this document. They address both the constitutional requirements and the national aspirations  embodied in Kenya Vision 2030, as well as offer direction in modernising the country‟s education system.

The Education Policy Framework is informed by the work of earlier education commissions, task forces, working parties and, more recently, the report of the task force on the realignment of the education sector to Constitution (2010) and Kenya Vision 2030. These aimed at establishing a national system of education to lead Kenya on the path of  self-determination (Republic of Kenya, 1964); national unity and economic self-determination (Republic of Kenya, 1976); expansion of secondary education, higher education and the introduction of the 8-4-4 system (Republic of Kenya, 1981); improving financing, quality and relevance (Kamunge, 1988); accelerating industrial and technological development and life-long learning (Republic of Kenya, 2000) and re-aligning the education sector to the Constitution and vision 2030 (Republic of Kenya, 2010). The policy which currently guides operations of the Government of Kenya in the education sector is the Sessional Paper No. 1 of 2005 on Education, Training and Research (Republic of Kenya, 2005).

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