E-learning and e-teaching in Kenya is gaining new momentum with Jubilee government of Uhuru Kenyatta and William Ruto showing commitment to going digital despite myriad challenges. Acquisition of laptops from Olive, an Indian company is just but setting the pace.
We at SNK Consultancy, bracing ourselves for a period of paper-less society continue to strategically develop and provide e-learning and e-teaching resources. In this agenda, we work in partnership with KENPRO and Jospa Publishers. We offer affordable publishing solutions and provide e-teaching and learning resources to schools in Kenya. We are also open to all members of school community – the school management, teachers, students and parents who may wish to have their resources published and supplied.
SNK Consultancy Team is actively engaged in publishing electronic teaching and learning resources to meet the ever rising need for e-resources. The members of school community wishing to become part of the team are encouraged to submit their manuscripts to SNK Consultancy Team for e-publishing consideration. An Editorial Board, consisting of distinguished practitioners ensures that all e-resources are released with impeccable credentials.
SNK Consultancy and her partners publishes/ compiles and supplies the following:
- Electronic Teaching and learning resources in all subjects
- Schemes of Work
- Exam papers
- KCPE past papers
- KCSE past papers
- Mocks past papers
- Teaching and learning notes by subject and
- Much more …
Click to access e-teaching and learning resources