Chozi La Heri Summary Notes

Chozi la Heri is a Swahili novel written by Assumpta K. Matei. It is a compulsory set book for Kenyan Secondary schools under Kiswahili Fasihi. The book is to replace Kidagaa Kimemwozea. The book is about how greediness to acquire power and riches and tribalism ruins the normal livelihood and social development. Afterwards, changes are embraced that bring sense of equality in the society and hence a reborn hope.

The novel has ten chapters with Ridhaa as the main character. Ridhaa encounters various problems that impact his living. First, when in school, he is segregated. As a doctor, he faces many issues related to corruption like selling of hospital drugs to private vendors but he has no control. Due to corrupt and tribal nature of the society in which Ridhaa belongs, his house is burnt down. This leads to he loss of his family members and properties.

The novel involves many other characters fighting for the well being of the society, which has so many evil associated with it. Some of them include major corruption scandals, drug trafficking, election violence, post-colonial colonialism, children trafficking, rapping, FGM, and many more evils conducted as a result of poor governance and corruption. But characters like Tila, Umu and other young individuals stand to fight the evils. They are also evil doers who fight their criticizers, which include Shauna, Naomi and major politicians.

In general, the author is intended to educate readers, therefore, eradicate evils that prevail in the current society. Major issues that the writer – Assumpta – is trying to fight include: tribalism, illegal businesses like drug trafficking, and destructive cultural practices like early marriages. Other major issues dealt in the book include, inappropriate use of power, corruption and looting of public resources.

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