CBC Assessment Rubric

The new System of Education in Kenya, namely 2-6-6-3 is currently under implementation despite facing numerous challenges. The system places more emphasis on learners’ mental ability to process issues and proposes a practical framework that nurtures competencies of learners based on their passions and talents.

The assessment, which is based on Competency Based Curriculum is structured under the following aspects:

1. E.E – Exceeds Expectations (80 – 100%)
2. M.E – Meet Expectations (65 -79%)
3.  A.E – Approaching Expectation (50 -64%)
4. B.E – Below Expectation (0 – 49%)

Teachers are expected to assess learners based on the highlighted aspects of grading. The matrix below shows a sample Assessment Rubric.

Kindly place an ORDER of a printer friendly copy (doc format) of Assessment Rubric for your use as a teacher in pupil assessment process. We charge Ksh100/- only.  Kindly note that the Assessment Rubric is part of a Progress Record Book.

For inquiries, kindly contact SNK Support Team via 0202319748