KCSE 2012: CRE Paper 1 Questions and Answers

 1. a)      Identify six literary forms used in the writing of the Bible (6 marks)

b)      State four reasons why the Bible had to be compiled into its present form by the early Christians.     (8 marks)

c)      Outline six ways in which Christians in Kenya use the Bible.                        (6 marks)

2. a)      Describe the covenant ceremony between God and Abraham in Genesis 15: 1-19 (7 marks)

b)      Identify four differences between the Jewish and the traditional African practices of  Circumcision  (8 marks)

c)      Give five reasons why church leaders take vows before starting their mission. (5 marks)

3. a)      Describe six ways that king David used to promote the worship of God in Israel.(6 marks)

b)      Explain four life skills that Elijah used to fight against false religion in Israel. (8 marks)

c)      What problems do church leaders in Kenya face when carrying out their work? (6 marks)

4.  a)      Give four reasons why prophet Amos was against the way the Israelites worshipped God.  (8 marks)

b)     State six ways in which God would punish Israel for her evils according to prophet Amos.  (6 marks)

c)      How does the church in Kenya punish errant members? (6 marks)

5 . a)      From the call of Jeremiah, identify eight qualities of God (Jeremiah 1).  (8 marks)

b)      Give six characteristics of the New Covenant foreseen by prophet Jeremiah  (6 marks)

c)      Give six ways in which Christians can assist victims of disasters. (6 marks)

6.  a)      Describe five ways in which people in traditional African communities communicate with God.           (5 marks)

b)     Give eight reasons for singing and dancing during initiation ceremonies in traditional African communities.8 marks)

c)      Give seven reasons why witchcraft is feared in traditional African communities. (7 marks)



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