KCSE 2014 Examination Analysis

In any examination, there are successes and failures. There are certain areas of examination where students excel and other areas that raise eyebrows. This write-up presents an analysis of KCSE 2014 Examination. The analysis covers all the major areas where students did not do well. These areas are likely to be tested over again to […]

Exploring the Concept of Home Schooling in Kenya

By Anthony M. Wanjohi: Home Schooling, also referred to as Home Education entails education of children in a home setup as opposed to schooling in a traditional public or private school. In several countries, Home Schooling, is considered to be an alternative to attending public or private schools and is a legal option for parents. […]

Pre-school Revision Papers End Term 1, 2017

The following is a list of  Pre-school Revision Papers, End Term 1,  2017. Click to DOWNLOAD the papers for FREE of charge. Baby Class Revision Papers End Term 1, 2017 creative-pattern-baby-class-end-term-1-2017.pdf language-baby-class-end-term-1-2017.pdf numberwork-baby-class-end-term-1-2017.pdf reading-baby-class-end-term-1-2017.pdf science-and-social-skills-baby-class-end-term-1-2017.pdf Nursery Revision Papers End Term 1, 2017 creative-pattern-nursery-end-term-1-2017.pdf language-nursery-end-term-1-2017.pdf numberwork-nursery-end-term-1-2017.pdf raeding-nursery-end-term-1-2017.pdf science-and-social-skills-nursery-end-term-1-2017.pdf Pre-unit Revision Papers End Term 1, 2017 creative-pattern-pre-unit-end-term-1-2017.pdf […]