Order E-Resources


Fill in the following details to receive your e-resource via email:

[ Amount: [KES 100/=] | MPESA No. 0725788400 ]

If there is any technical problem using the Form: a) MPESA 100/= to 0725788400, b) Send a text message to the same number including your email and order details of the -e-resources you need. Thank you.

Frequently Asked Questions:

  • What is the Mpesa Code? This is the number contained in the Mpesa message after sending the money. E.g., FA63KK989
  • How long does it take to receive the requested e-resource? Between 1 hr to 24 hours (if urgent call 0725788400)
  • How do I receive the requested e-resource? via your email
  • For any other details or other particular resources, contact us

Schools Net Kenya Consultancy
All NET Education Solutions.
P.O Box 8076-00200
Nairobi - Kenya
Email: [email protected] / Website: www.schoolsnetkenya.com