An Analysis of KCSE 2018 Results

By Anthony M. Wanjohi: Introduction: In KCSE 2018, a total of 660,204 candidates sat for the examination. Some 338,628 students who sat for the examination were male while 321,576 were female. In terms of percentage, the representation was 51.29% for the male and 48.71% for the female students. Candidates with special needs were 1,499 in total. […]

Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences

Re: Invitation for Submission of Research Papers for Publication About ARJESS The African Research Journal of Education and Social Sciences (ARJESS) is dedicated to scientific work geared towards theory development, policy formulation and action plan in Education and Social spheres in Africa’s developing economies. The journal is open access (free access), published online and continually […]

KCSE Revision Model Papers

KCSE model papers are prepared by experts in education with an aim of helping KCSE candidates to adequately prepare for the KCSE examinations. Every year, KNEC releases KCSE Analysis reports which show areas of inadequacy. KCSE model papers major on such analysis. While these papers model typical KCSE examinations, they are not a direct gateway […]

KCSE 2017 Analysis Reports

An analysis of KCSE 2017 results shows that 135,550 candidates scored grade D, 179,381 grade D- and 35,536 grade E. In total, 611,959 candidates registered for the exam. The analysis of the results showed that  57.27 per cent of the candidates flopped. KCSE 2017 Analysis Reports point out specific areas where candidates did not do […]

Holiday Homework for Grades 1, 2 and 3, Dec. 2018

Holiday Homework consists of a set of papers prepared with an aim of helping learners to revise during holidays. The homework covers revision papers for grades 1, 2 and 3 including the following subjects: Art and Craft activities, CRE activities, English Literacy activities, Environmental activities, Hygiene and Nutrition activities, Kiswahili  activities, Mathematical activities and Music […]